Joined: July 23, 2010
Posts: 144
Posted: Post subject: it can happen to any of us |
So I was off today from work, going to pick up my youngest daughter. I decided to stop at one of my favorite gas station, to buy my lottery ticket. I went in and bought my ticket .Headed back to my car and then pull off. As I was driving away I saw a young man between the age 35-40 stepping thought the gas pumps and collapsed. I put my car in park ran around the car got on my knees and ask Are you ok ?.He said to me I am having a Heart attack. I Scream, someone call 911. I focused back on this young man. He looked at me and said that he couldn't get any air; I can't breathe he said. I told him help is on the way. I asked him what was his named (just in case he goes unconscious.) he told me, however I will not put his name in this forum out of respect. But I called him by his name and said help is on the way and told him I will not leave him until help arrived. I asked if there’s anyone I can call. He said my wife and gave me her name. Amazingly between the fear in his eyes and the fact he was pushing air into his lungs as hard as one could. he told me that his phone was on the front seat of his car. Another man got the phone and got his wife's cell number dialed it and handed me the phone. When she answered I said "hello" and she said "hello who is this?" being that it was her husband's cell phone and I was a woman calling from his phone. I quickly said your husband is at the gas station. He is having a heart attack and she screamed then the phone when silent. I then told him that his wife and help are on the way. He was getting worst by the minute he looked at me and said I can not feel my hand. I assured him once again that he would be ok and help and his wife is on the way. Once again he said I can't breath. I told him listen you hear that? The sirens are closer now. They have oxygen for you so just hold on. The fire truck arrived I gave them all the information in which I received from him in those short ten minutes which seemed like a half an hour. Then his wife pulled up and ran and got on the ground. She was rubbing and patting his chest until the ambulance arrived. She only once took her eyes off of him when she looked up towards heaven. Moving her mouth as if she was praying. She then focused back on her husband. When the ambulance arrived I felt relieved. I knew that had what was needed to help him and I stayed until they drove away. I’m sounding the alarm today with this message if your reading this please stop now and tell someone how much you love them and if can not say those word, then just give a hug. Life is short indeed. True story.
~Soft Roses08~ |